Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wretched Hag Guide (HON), Stat ,Skill and Item build!!! (Prita)

Yoo wazzaap , today I'll post Wretched Hag Guide from Newerth !!
So dont go anywhere , check this out!!


"The Wretched Hag haunted Newerth's darkness long before the Hellbourne spilled forth. A fiendish hag fatted off the flesh of children and virgin brides, she keeps as her only company a swarm of bats -- the only creatures that can abide her shrieking cries"


 Wretched Hag

Wretched Hag is AOE magical damage dealer who have escape and chasing skill. She can be played as carry hero but she's best at roaming ganking hero. "Haunt" make the enemy slow and deal decent damage . "Flash of Darkness" make Wretched hag easily fight in or run out from battle. "Sonar Scream" this is main skill of Wrecthed Hag , she can farm and deal damage to enemy with this skill. With only 7 seconds cooldown , she can spam this skill every time. "Bat Blast" deal aoe magical damage in front of her , very good skill if combo with "sonar scream". She can deal big aoe damage which is good if on 5 on 5 clash.


STR : 16 (1.7)
AGILITY : 18 (2.0)
HP : 454
MANA : 312
DAMAGE : 40 - 48
ARMOR : 1.52
RANGE : 550

       + Have mobility and escape skill
       + Deal Big AOE damage

        - Typical of INT hero , low HP
        - 4 of her skill is active. Maintain mana is must




The Wretched Hag haunts a target unit with a bat, slowing its Movement Speed and dealing periodic damage.

Target an enemy unit to deal 50 / 70 / 70 / 100 Magic Damage and apply tapering -20 / -30 / -40 / -50% Movement Speed for 7 seconds. The target takes 10 / 20 / 40 / 50 Magic Damage every 3 seconds for the duration.

Action: Target Entity
Type: Magic
Range: 400
Cast Time: 1.45 sec
Cooldown: 20 sec
Mana Cost: 80 / 100 / 120 / 140
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
- Deals a total of 100/170/270/350 Magic Damage.
- Make enemy slow and deal damage for duration , is good skill too harass.
- Take this skill just 1 , usefull for "Bat Blast" effect .


 Flash of Darkness

The Wretched Hag disappears in a flash of darkness, only to instantly reappear at a target location.

Target a location to teleport to that position.

Action: Target Position
Range: 775 / 900 / 1025 / 1150
Cast Time: 1.45 sec
Cooldown: 12 sec
Mana Cost: 60
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
- She can fight in or run out from battlefield
- Most of Wretched Hag user carelessly use this skill, he jump in battle and die with this skill cooldown. Timing..Timing..Timing!!


 Sonar Scream

Unleashing a high frequency scream, the Wretched Hag damages all nearby enemies.

Activate to instantly deal 85 / 165 / 225 / 300 Magic Damage in an area around yourself.

Action: Self Position
Type: Magic
Cast Time: 0.8 sec
Cooldown: 7 sec
Mana Cost: 140
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
- Deal big AOE magic damage in Wretched Hag radius.
- Main skill of Wretched , max it first.


 Bat Blast

The Wretched Hag lets loose a torrent of magical bats in a target direction. Enemies caught within the blast are heavily damaged.

Target a unit or location to deal 290 / 420 / 550 Magic Damage in a cone. Applies the current level of Haunt to anyone hit.
Staff of the Master increases the damage done and decreases the cooldown.

Action: Target Dual Position
Type: Magic
Range: 700
Cast Time: 1.45 sec
Cooldown: 135 sec
Mana Cost: 250 / 360 / 500
Required Level: 6 / 11 / 16

Note :
- You must have "Haunt" learned in order for Haunted to have any effect.
- Tooltip error: Bat Blast's cone travels up to 800 units away.
- Bat Blast can hit units up to 1200 units away.

By : Prita

1. Flash of Darkness
2. Sonar Scream
3. Sonar Scream
4. Haunt
5. Sonar Scream
6. Bat Blast
7. Sonar Scream
8. Haunt
9. Haunt
10. Haunt
11. Bat Blast
12. Flash of Darkness
13. Flash of Darkness
14. Flash of Darkness
15. Stat.
16 Bat Blast
17 - 25. Stats

1. Haunt : Take this skill at least 1 before take level 6 skill "Bat Blast" , because Bat Blast have effect Haunt if launched. Good skill to harass enemy and make them slow.
2. Flash of Darkness : Mobilty skill of Wretched Hag , she can fight in or run out from the enemy easily. Use timing for using this skill, many Wretched user die easily because this skill is in cooldown.
3. Sonar Scream : Main skill of Wretched Hag . Because only 7 sec of cooldown ,she can spam this skill to farm or deal damage to enemy.
4. Bat Blast : Big AOE and damage too , dont forget to up "Haunt" skill at least once. After Wretched use this skill , the enemy will have effect "Haunt" for the duration.


Early game
guardian ring  int

 Rune blight

I dont know why but I love but guardian ring for every hero. This item have +2 armor which is good for every hero. Dont forget to upgrade this item into "Ring of Teacher". Mark of novice for some int stat and Rune blight for HP regen.

Core Item

 Grave locket   Bottle

 Steamboots     Lightbrand       Ring of teacher

Bottle is must , because all of Wretched Hag skill is active. Grave locket for some stat and if kill / assist u can gain 2 all stats too. I prefer steamboots because can modify for any situations, if Wretched less mana u can turn too Blue version or if you Need HP bar u can turn to red.  Ring of teacher for some armor and mana regen too. Lightbrand for some int stat and mana regen too. Dont forget to upgrade into Grimmoire.

Late Item 

 Hellflower     Grimmoire

 kudra     Null

Grimmoire of Power give some stat and upgraded version of lightbrand. Kudra for some irritating enemy carry , you can turn them into sheep. Null is safety item for Wretched , dont be cocky you have "Flash of Darkness" , you still need some defensive item like null. Hellflower , to silent enemy and Wretched also gain some aspd from this item.


Good intelligence hero with mobility and big aoe damage. She can easily go to war or run out from war and deal big damage from her skill. Be careful from enemy with silent skill, you will be useless if you got silent from them. Player skill is needed if you want pick wretched hag.

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