Friday, March 13, 2015

Witch Slayer Guide (HON), Stat ,Skill and Item build!!! (Prita)

Haloo everyone , Today I'll post Witch Slayer Guide.
Check this one out!!

 Witch Slayer

"No city is more pious in its worship of Sol than Arasunia, and no man is more fervent among its zealous citizens than the Witch Slayer. Although he is viewed with uncertainty by the beast shamans and human sorcerers in the Legion, his combat prowess and holy powers make him a mighty ally. Wielding a musket and a bladed icon of Sol, he can not only hold his own in battle, but can also sap his enemy's strength and turn any ground into sacred territory"


 Witch Slayer

Witch slayer is intelligence hero who can play as solo , support and babysit hero in HON. Have 2 disable skill make him first choice int support in every game. "Graveyard" make stun in a line for some duration is good for harrasment enemy / trying to kill them. "Miniaturization" can make enemy into mini state ,cannot attack , cast spell / use item is good disable skill for your teammate."Power Drain" can drain your enemy mana for 4 second, this skill is good in early game. Drain enemy mana until 0 and enemy can do nothing in his lane. "Silver Bullet" is innitial skill of Witch Slayer. Have big magical damage on single target. Staff of master make this skill more powerful. After combo with his skill / combo with his teammate , let just finish enemy with this skill. Baaaang!!!


STR : 16 (+1.7)
AGILITY : 16 (+1.5)
HP : 454
MANA : 299
DAMAGE : 42-48
ARMOR : 1.1
RANGE : 600


       + Good disabler
       + Can play in every lane top , mid or bot.

       - Typical of int hero , low hp.
       - All his skill is active skill. Maintain your mana is must.
       - Didnt have escape skill , be careful if enemy team gank up to you.



Most at home on holy ground, the Witch Slayer creates a temporary Graveyard in front of himself. Enemy units caught in its creation suffer the consequences.

Target a location or unit to deal 60 / 130 / 200 / 260 Magic Damage in a line and apply a 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 second Stun.

Action: Target Dual Position
Type: Magic
Range: 500
Cast Time: 0.5 sec
Cooldown: 12 sec
Mana Cost: 100 / 120 / 145 / 170
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
- Stun in a line , so more than 1 hero / creeps can be stun with this skill. Good disable
- Target it to enemy hero , dont target land . This skill can miss if you didnt doing properly.



The Witch Slayer has mastered the use of the gem socketed into his glove, letting him shrink an enemy, rendering them useless for a short time.a

Target a unit to debuff it for 1.25 / 2 / 2.75 / 3.5 seconds, causing it to move slower and be unable to attack, cast spells, or use items. Instantly kills enemy illusions and dispels stealth.

Action: Target Entity
Type: Magic
Range: 500
Cast Time: 0.85 sec
Cooldown: 13 sec
Mana Cost: 110 / 140 / 170 / 200
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
- Evasion and reflection are disabled while miniaturized
- This skill dispel stealth , so Night Hound can be visible if this skill landed on him.
- Instantly kill enemy illusions


 Power Drain

Over the years the Witch Slayer has learned how to drain the power of his enemies for his own use.

Target an enemy unit to channel a mana drain for 4 seconds, giving its mana to you. Mana is drained at a rate of25 / 50 / 75 / 100 Mana per second.
Instantly kills enemy illusions.

Action: Target Entity
Type: Magic
Range: 600 / 650 / 700 / 750
Cast Time: 0.85 sec
Cooldown: 25 sec
Mana Cost: 10
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
- Instantly kill enemy illusions units.
- Useful skill in early game , very irritating skill if do more than once to the enemy.
- Can be cast on units with mana


 Silver Bullet

With no other option left, the Witch Slayer fires a Silver Bullet from his gun at the target enemy. The impact usually leaves them in many small pieces.

Target an enemy unit to shoot it with a Silver Bullet, dealing 500 / 650 / 850 Magic Damage.
Staff of the Master Changes damage type to Superior Magic and increases damage done.

Action: Target Entity
Type: Magic
Range: 700
Cast Time: 0.85 sec
Cooldown: 150 sec
Mana Cost: 200 / 420 / 650
Required Level: 6 / 11 / 16

Note :
- High magical damage skill , Baaaang!!
- Staff of the master changes damage type to superior and increase damage done . This name skill will replace with "Heavenly Blast". Sounds great name :D

By : Prita

1. Graveyard
2. Miniaturization
3. Graveyard
4. PowerDrain
5. Graveyard
6 Silver Bullet
7. Graveyard
8. Miniaturization
9. Miniaturization
10. Miniaturization
11. Silver Bullet
12. Power Drain
13. Power Drain
14. Power Drain
15. Stat
16. Silver Bullet
17-25. Stat

1. Graveyard : This skill can stun more than 1 hero , but be careful many people stun can miss because carelessly. Aim enemy properly.
2. Miniaturization : disable enemy 3.5 sec ?? more than enough if you ask . Reveal stealth too , Hero with invis skill can be useless if face Witch Slayer.
3. Power Drain : Irritating skill in early , Drain enemy mana after use graveyard combo. Got stun and no mana :D , Can also use for regain mana from creep if WS out of mana.
4. Silver Bullet : Best magical damage single target skill in newerth (Pyromancer too), Boosted if Staff of master buyed.


Early game

 HP pot mana pot

 Mantle intelligence Minor totem

Buy some HP , mana regen , minor and mantle of intelligence for survive in lane. This is starting item for all intelligence / support hero. 

Core item

 portal key ward

Strider, cheap and move faster than red shoes XD. You must save your money to buy Portal key. Portal key is the key of Witch Slayer!! with Portal Key , Witch Slayer can more mobile in the game. Bottle for check rune and if need mana/hp you can use bottle. Dont forget innitial item for support, wards. Place in important place like rune / jungle. 

Late item

 Void talisman tablet command

 Staff of the master

Void talisman to escape from enemy physical damage dealer . Void give some stats too, very useful coz Witch Slayer is hero lack of HP. Tablet of command , for escape too. Remember Witch Slayer didnt have escape skill, so tablet of command is useful. Staff of the master , Boosted item for Witch Slayer ultimate skill . Deal superior magic damage and increase damage done. Also give additional stats to Witch Slayer.

Witch Slayer Gameplay
By : Prita

Video will be release soon


Number one choice support in newerth.  Have all active and 2 disabled skill make Witch Slayer perfect in this game. Can disabled , mana drain and do high burst damage in a second. Best partner for every hero mate.

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