Thursday, March 19, 2015

Solstice Guide (HON), Stat ,Skill and Item build!!! (Prita)

Okay brooo, today I'll post Solstice Guide of HON
Check this out!!


"Among the tribes of the moon, there lives an elite caste of warriors. Like Krixi, the Moon Queen, these women draw their power from the rays of Lunari. As children of the Moon Goddess, the rays of Sol burn their flesh, forcing them to construct a vessel to channel Lunari's might during the day. The magicks used were so potent that only a chosen warrior, born in perfect balance between light and darkness, could harness its vast power by being forever bonded to her armor. In the night, the chosen can retake her true form and strike from the shadows, free from her confining shell. Be it through strength by day or stealth by night, Solstice, the Lady of Lunari, stands ready to show her enemies what power truly is."


Solstice is Jungle/ganker hero with great ability and can become carry hero in late game. He has stun ability and also charge into enemy, This skill like combine skil nomad and magmus stun. This is called "Blinding Rush". "Illuminate" deal damage and give vision around that area. "Graceful Strike" give additional damage to your 3rd  attack and lifesteal, give sols suit well in jungle or lane in early game. "Pure Light" this called kamehameha in my internet cafe. Deal damage up to 800 in big area and give unique effect between day and night.


STR : 24 (+2.7)
INTELLIGENCE : 17 (+1.9)
AGILITY :20 (+2.0)
HP : 606
MANA : 221
DAMAGE : 50 - 54
RANGE : 128


       + Easy jungler and lane hero
       + All around hero, have stun, aspd, skill burst damage, hero with big armor and HP

       - Low mana in early game.



 Blinding Rush     Blinding Rush

Target an enemy to charge at it with bonus Movement Speed, slowing or stunning the target on impact.

Day Time

Target an enemy to charge at it granting 350 Movement Speed, 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Armor and 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Magic Armor. Upon reaching the target, deals 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 Magic Damage and applies a {1.5} second Stun.

Night time

Target an enemy to charge at it granting 350 Movement Speed, invisibility and 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 Attack Speed. Upon reaching the target, deals 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 Magic Damage and applies a 35% Movement Speed Slow for 3 seconds.

Action: Target Entity
Type: Magic
Range: 1200
Cooldown: 14 sec
Mana Cost: 105 / 110 / 115 / 120
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
Trees are destroyed in a 80 radius around Solstice.
- (In Day) When within 250 units of the target, Solstice dashes through the target and ends up 100 units behind the unit, damaging and stunning any units that she passes through.
- The initial knockup lasts 0.45 seconds, and is a non-reducible stun.


 Illuminate     Illuminate

Solstice calls upon the stars and Reveals an area, dealing damage to enemies or empowering himself.

Day Time

Target an area to grant vision over it for 8 seconds, enemies in the area receive 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 Magic Damage per seconds.

Night Time

Target an area to grant vision of enemies for 8 seconds. Grants you a bonus 8 / 16 / 24 / 32 Attack Damage and15 / 30 / 45 / 60 Movement Speed for 8 seconds.

Action: Target Position
Type: Magic
Range: 2000
Cast Time: 0.3 sec
Cooldown: 29 sec
Mana Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

Note :
Does not reveal Stealthed units.
- (Day) Can deal up to 120/200/280/360 Magic Damage.
- (Night) Enemies will neither see the spell effect nor will they know they are revealed.
- (Night) Vision is granted on the cast area for 0.5 seconds.
- (Night) Solstice will receive the buff even if you do not reveal anyone.


 graceful strike     graceful strikes

Periodically causes attacks to deal bonus damage and lifesteal.

Day Time

Passively adds to your 3rd attack 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 Physical Damage Cleave and 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% Lifesteal.

Night Time

Passively adds to your 3rd attack 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 Physical Damage and 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% Lifesteal.

Action: Passive
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7

- Solar Slash adds bonus damage and lifesteal to the primary target, which works with Critical Strike and Lifesteal.
- The Cleave is an affector that deals static Physical Damage and heals Solstice for 10/15/20/25% of the damage dealt, proportional to post-mitigation damage.
- Solar Slash's Cleave will not deal Magic Damage if Harkon's Blade is toggled on.
- (Night) Deals 100/140/180/220 bonus damage to non-hero units.


 pure light     pure light

Solstice basks in glory of the sun or moon charging up a powerful beam.

Activate to begin channeling for up to 3 seconds increasing damage and distance, activate again to release early. Deals up to 400 / 600 / 800 Magic Damage in a cone up to 1300 units away.

Day Time

Applies a 50% tapering slow for 6 seconds.

Night Time
Applies a 1.5 second Fear.

Action: Target Position
Type: Magic
Range: 1400
Cast Time: 0.1 sec
Cooldown: 80 sec
Mana Cost: 150 / 200 / 250
Required Level: 6 / 11 / 16

Note :
- (Day) The slow is at its full strength for the first 2 seconds, and tapers off over 4 seconds.
- (Night) Enemy units are also slowed by 50% while feared.


1.Graceful Strikes
2. Blinding Rush
3. Blinding Rush
4. Graceful Strikes
5. Blinding Rush
6. Pure Light
7. Blinding Rush
8. Graceful Strikes
9. Graceful Strikes
10. Illuminate
11. Pure Light
12. Illuminate
13. Illuminate
14. Illuminate
15. Stats
16. Pure Light
17 - 25. Stats

1. Blinding Rush : This is main skill of solstice, you can charge , deal damage , stun/slow enemy. Max it first!
2. Graceful Strikes : Good passive ability, deal splash attack and big damage after 3 hit. Dont forget lifesteal is sure useful for sol take jungle in early game.
3. Illuminate : Deal some damage in Day and give vision if night come. More useful in night because its give aspd to solstice.
4. Pure Light : Great ultimate, This kamehameha version in HON :D . Big aoe damage, up to 800 damage if Solstice blast it until the end. Make sure use kamehameha wisely, many solstice user fail deal this damage to enemy.


Early Game

 tree chop     guardian ring

 rune blight

Logger Hatchet for fast farm. No matter if you NC or lane. This item will be useful for last hit. Ring protection is for some armor, good for jungling too. Dont forget upgrade into ring to teacher. Rune blight for some regen hp.

Core Item

 ring teacher     steamboot


Upgrade your ring protection before into ring of teacher. Buy steamboot for more aspd and HP. Turn it to red. Frostburn for more aspd , slow, and HP . 

Late Item

 daemonic     Brutalizer

 Behemoth heart

Daemonic Breastplate give some armor and minus armor. Brutalizer, give stun effect to enemy. So the enemy cant escape from sols. Behemoth Heart, give some HP and make Solstice more tanky.


Solstice is perfect hero for any situation. he can stun,potential carry in late game, charge enemy, deal burst damage with kamehameha. Sols can gank enemy in early game to make enemy team fail farm and make his team winning the game.

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